August 21 2014

Informix Archecker – point in time restore/recover table (Scenario 2)

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I would like to share this feature with all of you – Informix Archecker.
It can be used to restore/recover (point-in-time) to a new target table (new table name) from backup.

Scenario 2:
– Someone accidentally performed a mass update for all rows in table “customer” on 2014-08-21 10:48:00.
– You need to restore & recover (point in time) to a new table called “customer_res” until 2014-08-21 10:46:00. (Current table “customer” will be maintained)
– Database = stores_demo, Source Table = customer, Target New Table = customer_res
– You are using Informix Archecker with Netbackup Informix Agent for backup/restore.

Note: Informix Archecker is available since IDS 10.00 or higher.

(1) 2014-08-21 09:50:00:

$ dbaccess stores_demo –
> select count(*) from customer ;



June 23 2014

How to get the Informix instance IPC shared memory segment base address in Hexadecimal?

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(1) Get SERVERNUM value from onconfig:

$ onstat -c | grep SERVERNUM

(2) Convert SERVERNUM value from Decimal (base10) to Hexadecimal (base16):

Decimal 2 = Hex 2
= 0x2

Note: you may use ms-windows “calc” programmer view.

(3) Apply this fomular with Hexadecimal calculation:

IPC Shared Mem Address = (SERVERNUM_In_Hex * 0x10000) + 0x52564801
= (0x2 * 0x10000) + 0x52564801
= 0x20000 + 0x52564801
= 0x52584801

(4) Therefore, you will get the IPC shared memory address started from 0x52584801..

$ ipcs -m | grep 5258480

key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status
0x52584801 92864520 root 660 2606284800 68 locked
0x52584802 92897299 root 660 2097152000 68 locked
0x52584803 92930070 root 666 561152 68

September 25 2013

Informix Archecker – point in time restore/recover table (Scenario 1)

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I would like to share this feature with all of you – Informix Archecker.
It can be used to restore/recover a missing table from backup.

Note: Informix Archecker is available since IDS 10.00 or higher.

Scenario 1:

– Someone accidentally dropped a table “state” on 2013-09-25 11:04:16.
– You will restore/recover the table “state” point-in-time until 2013-09-25 11:00:13.
– Database = stores_demo Table = state
– You are using onbar with Netbackup for backup/restore.